Draxxivor is a expression of my need to create a compelling villain for the comic book I am currently self publishing. It started off simple, with a need for a basic demonic entity which gradually developed into a lovecraftian-type being of malice. Below lie a few explorations of the directions I had in mind, before finally combing the bits of each direction that I liked into one cohesive visage.
These are the lineworks cleaned-up and digitized.
This is the final design of the villain coloured in showcasing just the body.
Next part of the process involved a hero for this villain to contest. This too I kept simple with a few key elements that will be bold. I was thinking of an anti-hero in terms of looks and maybe funny in ways of demeanor. A cross between The Prince of Persia and DC's John Constantine. This part of the process was therapeutic due to the time I spent of the costume design especially the boots.
Here below lie the finalized designs, with cleaned-up, digitized linework and colors.
Additionaly, I hadd time to work up a cover page with the left over inspiration and creativity i hadd left from starting this project. Below, on the image on the left, lie the explorations in thumbnail form, I personallaly preferedd the bottom right choice but I thought it was too basic as an approach to the cover so I instead went with the top left choice which I thought to be more of a challenge.
Below lie the final versions of the cover not fully colored but rendered in greyscale for the time being.
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