Cure for Insomnia is a personal project that I have undertaken to further myself in skills, personal interest, storytelling and art. The project draws influences from my background, upbringing, culture, experiences and personal interests all being combined into what I hope is a cohesive and illustrative experience that captivates your mind and makes you lose track of the passage of time. I hope to make this project a capitalizing success and publishing miracle someday, hence excuse the chaotic presentation as this is still a work-in-progress.
I started of this process by setting the scene and tone of the story by diving straight into the look for the characters.

The next part of the process involved me planning out the plan on action and scenes with basic thumbnailing, storyboarding and page layout.

This next piece went along with this project as a standalone piece that was more a visual inspiration and maybe a style guide, while also serving as an alternate cover art for the comic in question.

This next piece is the final rendition of what the cover will look like albeit in just inks and shading.

Next up, will be the actual pencils and inks which were done traditionally.

I went on to digitize the inks next which is what is shown below.

Next I added halftones, to add more depth, and the filled in all the speech-bubbles and sound effects to add more oomph.

Lastly, below is one page from the comic that I liked creating the most as a teaser for what is to come.

Click the embedded link below to view the Cure for Insomnia digital comic on, or click the link below to view the digital comic book in fullscreen.